Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We all played outside at my brother's the other night and while they were all busy I got to snapping some photos of my niece Luci. They change so fast it's crazy. I am glad I have the equipment I have to capture their ever changing selves. I love taking pictures of family and my own kids because I feel like I can experiment with photos more, I can process them in more daring and often.. not better, ways. But creativity is just that, creative. Good or bad.

She loves Luci. Heaven help us all if our next child is a boy. Piper will be pissed.


Lee said...

I love daring! You can rock daring. ha. Oh, I think I need to get Pipers number so we can go shopping. I love her cute little outfits! She rocks my socks. ha. peace.

Sharstin said...

That little Luci is one darling little babe! and how cute with the two girlies together

kristen said...

She looks like you Toni!

Candice said...

I love her toe nails!! ha so cute :)