Saturday, November 15, 2008

Once Upon A Time

I was here

With this....

The hottest couple ever. Ah young love smacking you in the face. They are so cute together and so happy in love.


Ash said...

So cute Ton! They are seriously the hottest couple!

kimberly said...

these are great pictures! whit's going to love them..i'm excited for you to show her. you should be proud.

Supalinds said...

Beautiful pictures - you really are doing a fantastic job! Can my little family please have a booking before you become famous? We need new pics - oooh even better if you have time before the holidays maybe that is what I'll give my parents for Christmas. Sorry for the random comment.

Young love is the best - makes me want to run home and snuggle.

Great shots!!

Lee said...

You really captured young love at it's finest.