Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Just Can't Get Enough

What else would I be doing at the wee hours of the morning but looking at my peanut's face! And blogging of course. He turns a year next week and I guess I am getting sentimental and making sure I have some documentation of it... So done and done, documented. I just want to kiss those sweet cheeks until they fall off!


Erin said...

These are so cute. I love his little teeth.

Kara said...

He is so darling, I can't believe he is almost one. I feel like the last year was a blur.

aLeXis said...

oh. my. gosh. He is adOraBle! Love the photos. Good job! Seriously where did that year go? Crazy. Um, go to bed crazy lady! You need sleep too...unless you are Superwoman (I have always known you were).

Amanda said...

Oh so cute! Don't you hate it how they grow up so fast?!?!

Ellie McFreaken said...

SO Handsome!!! That first year flies by doesn't it?
I can't believe I am still up! I have been surfing and FB all night! Hope all is well!