Thursday, January 1, 2009

If I Did Make Them...

I don't believe it'd be a proper blog without wishing you the most for the new year. So welcome, new year of 2009. I, like my spouse, am not too keen on News Years Resolutions because it seems like they are forgotten within weeks. Although I can't help but to let it cross my mind, if I DID believe in them whole heartedly, what would they be? Well, for starters my main priority and biggest goal this year is to (finally) graduate from college. That will be done this year, so it's a pretty special year for me. I also have planned on doing a half marathon, mostly because I have almost done a bunch but just decided I didn't care to do the whole shabang, running most everyday has been enough for me. But this year.. hey why not? I mean I should be able to officially say I have done one. Also, I want to join a road biking group this year so I have some biker buddies. I think I may have found that in my long lost friend Mark, so now I just have to gather some courage to throw myself into that. As for photography, I don't really know.. I want to get better and have fun, and hopefully that will entail some money. My life is pretty complaintless and I just want to keep it that way. I have so so so many wonderful people in my life that I really can't ask for much more. The last year brought on a lot of really great things and a lot of growth on my own personal part that as long as I keep getting better as a person, a thinker, a mother, a wife, a friend, a scholar, a photographer, a cook, an athlete, and hopefully something more I'll add this year, than I think I'll be pretty well off and don't think written in stone resolutions will really be that necessary. Just keep on keeping on bettering myself and hopefully a few of the great people around me.

A Few More Actual Goals:

To find a maid, a makeup artist, and hairstylist that are free and can accomplish the get ready part in 15 minutes, or the span of an episode of Max & Ruby.

Diet Coke to be made full of great nutrients.

For pregnancies (no.. not now, but this year probably) to be enjoyable, and comfortable, and full of energy.

It would also be nice if the Band Of Horses would come out with three or four (or more, I am not picky) more albums of equal or better amazingness of their priors.

Also I am hoping this year someone invents a black nail polish that will last more than a day through dish washing, bum changing, floor cleaning, laundry, and hand washing after hand washing. Us housewives have to trendy and edgy too, so.. someone please make my year by blessing me with cute hands. Ok... dark brown would do too if black is too much to ask.


Kara said...

I love it that was a great post. I really don't do resolutions either. Mostly the things I want are to be a better person, for my family to be healthy. And for everything to be ok. I'm not quite sure what to write down to accomplish those things. Good luck with yours!
Oh and maybe we should have another baby the same month:)

Supalinds said...

Graet post! Happy new year to you friend. Cheers to getting better with each year.

Doug & Stef said...

Good luck with those dreams girl :) I love this picture of you by the way - no wonder you have such cute kiddies!