Friday, January 9, 2009

In Celebration Of His B-Day week, Here Are Some More.

I have sort of had some down time after the Christmas rush and wedding anticipation so I figure I will fully take advantage of my opportunities to take picts of my peanut and post them! So if you are sick of his sweet face, YOU ARE NUTTS!

The one without the hat, bless his heart, but I think he looks like an old man. Not sure if it's the old man shirt or not. Any how I still want to kiss his cheeks from morning til night.
P.S. Thank you thank you for the comments.. the crickets are chirping a little less. But hey, at least we have winter crickets. I do love the sound of them in the summer.


Lee said...

I can't believe all the babies are not going to be babies anymore! He is just so cute!

Unknown said...

Heavens! I can't believe that Piper is a Sunbeam too! So much has happened in such a short amount of time. peanut, is an adorable little man! Squish those cheekies! The boys loved the cottage cheese ones too! ---BECKY BENSON (under Spencer's ID)

cAsSy said...

I there for the purchasing of that studly hat on that cute peanuts head!